Join Our Team And Make A Career Supporting Our Community
We Serve Deaf, Hard of Hearing and Hearing communities in the Philadelphia tri-state area.
DHCC creates, advocates for, and expands accessible opportunities​
We share a common vision – to make a difference for the communities in which we live and work. We work hard, have fun, and reward our employees for their outstanding contributions.
Current Staff Openings
ASL Instructor – Part Time – Click here for full posting!
Deaf & Hard of Hearing Mentors - Click here for full posting!
We are always looking for qualified Deaf and Hearing ASL Interpreters To begin the process, interested parties should review the following information on the application process below.
Please note that for Deaf Interpreters to be qualified to apply, applicants must be fluent in ASL and English, and have done the professional training to learn the process and ethics of interpreting.
If you meet the requirements and wish to apply, please fill out the form below. Should you have any further questions, please contact the Interpreting Referral Department (IRD) at (610) 604-0452 or email us here.

Requirements to become a DHCC Interpreter*:​
DHCC is now requiring that all subcontracted interpreters have the following information. Questions or applications, please contact us at ird@DHCC.org.
Child Abuse Clearance: Click on “Pennsylvania Child Abuse History Clearance Form (CY-113)”**
Criminal Record Check -click on “Submit a New Record Check”**
FBI Fingerprinting – click on “Department of Education, (PDE)”
Professional Liability Insurance** – Insurance is purchased independently. Marsh Insurance & DHH Insurance specialize in offering insurance to Interpreters
Liability Insurance, individually purchased. For guidelines and information, click here.
*Pre-certified interpreters MUST pass the NIC written exam before applying. Proof of passing NIC written exam, skill evaluations from other sources, ITP evaluations, etc. It is recommended that all pre-certified interpreting candidates work with a mentor prior to screening.
**Please note, Child Abuse Clearances and Criminal Record Check must be updated on an annual basis. Please comply with your insurance and registrations expiration dates.
​Certified Deaf Interpreter​
CDI certification with the Registry Interpreters for the Deaf (RID)
Education and/or Equivalent Work Experience - Community College graduate, preferably with an AA degree or minimum 2 year completion of BA program and/or equivalent combination of professional work experience and higher education.
Experience - 75 hours of interpreting experience as a working interpreter with no more than 25 hours earned as part of a recognized mentorship or internship.
Code of Ethics Training - a minimum of 8 hours of training with a certified interpreter who is a recognized trainer on this topic.
Training RE: Role and Function of an interpreter - 8 hours of training with a certified interpreter who is a recognized trainer on this topic.
Other Interpreter Training Workshops or Courses - 16 hours of other interpreter training.
Observation - Observation of 3 different Deaf interpreters in 3 different assignments at least 1 hour each.
Non-​Certified Deaf Interpreter​​
CDI certification with the Registry Interpreters for the Deaf (RID)
Education and/or Equivalent Work Experience - Community College graduate, preferably with an AA degree or minimum 2 year completion of BA program and/or equivalent combination of professional work experience and higher education.
Experience - 75 hours of interpreting experience as a working interpreter with no more than 25 hours earned as part of a recognized mentorship or internship.
Code of Ethics Training - a minimum of 8 hours of training with a certified interpreter who is a recognized trainer on this topic.
Training RE: Role and Function of an interpreter - 8 hours of training with a certified interpreter who is a recognized trainer on this topic.
Other Interpreter Training Workshops or Courses - 16 hours of other interpreter training.
Observation - Observation of 3 different Deaf interpreters in 3 different assignments at least 1 hour each.